Flo Groberg

Medal of Honor Recipient - Former US Army Captain - French Immigrant - Author: "8 Seconds of Courage"

The Medal of Honor. It is the United States military’s highest commendation for battlefield action, reserved for only the most exceptional displays of valor, yet those few recipients know it also carries a uniquely heavy burden and responsibility. This week former Navy SEALs Marcus Luttrell and the Wizard welcome MOH recipient Florent “Flo” Groberg to the TNQ Podcast. Hear Flo’s Never Quit stories from Army Ranger School, Afghanistan, and coming to terms with his life in the wake of the events for which he received the MOH. He also tells the story of his immigration to the US from France as a teenager, and his family ties to Algeria. Hear how the brutal killing of his uncle by Islamic extremists impacted him, and propelled him into military service as an American fighting similar enemies. Flo joins the ranks of past MOH guests such as Mike Thornton, Dakota Meyer, and Kyle Carpenter who were all outstanding at passing on lessons learned on the battlefield of life, so you can apply them to your own.

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