Taylor Canfield brings an exciting twist to the story of an average American patriot and retired Navy SEAL. His unique post-military career path was to be the only retired SEAL to become a NASCAR driver.
Taylor’s non-profit organization, The Green Light Society, helps wounded combat soldiers via adrenalin therapy – anything that got their blood pumping before their injury, they will do again after their injury, even when it seems impossible.
In this episode you will hear:
- Taylor Canfield is NOT the sailor.
- I faked a few papers to start working at 14.
- Even if you can win [NASCAR] – if you don’t have sponsors, you’re not gonna race.
- Bad things happen, but you gotta go on living, so learn from it.
- Failure is actually a gateway to success.
- If you can learn from your mistakes, you can be unstoppable. If you’re not learning from them, you’re making those mistakes in vain.
- Get past the mental barriers.
- If I can do the SEAL training physically, you can do it. You have to convince your mind.
- The Green Light Society will go to the world’s end to recoup and get you back into what you love to do.
- It’s my way to give back and help guys that were less fortunate than I was.
- No ones gonna do the work for you.
- A lot of people don’t start because they’re afraid of failure, but you gotta get over that and just go for it.