The Iceman cometh! Stand by for this week’s awesome Team Never Quit Podcast. Join Navy SEALs Marcus Luttrell, David Rutherford, and #TheWizard as they welcome one of the most unique human performance instructors on the planet, #TheIceman, Wim Hof. Join the team as Wim tells his greatest #neverquitstory and how he is revolutionizing the way we breathe. Wim’s incredible journey of discovery will leave you in utter disbelief as he is changing the way the scientific world evaluates the power to change an individual’s physiological composition with the Wim Hof breathing technique.
Wim Hof is a madman. He’s climbed nearly the top of Mt. Everest in nothing but shorts, and his twenty six world records include greatest distance swam under ice, as well as, ice bath immersion of over an hour. He’s not crazy or deranged but instead, he is 100% driven to prove that we as human beings naturally possess the greatest treatments for health. Primarily through Mr. Hof’s breathing and cold exposure methods we can radically change our physiological, mental and emotional makeup. Join Marcus and the crew as they go deep down the rabbit hole with the Iceman. Wim’s seemingly insane energy is infectious to say the least. Our dedicated listeners will be filled with credible information on how they can start developing their #NeverQuitMindset immediately by simply breathing more. It’s time to take a deep breath and standby to change your life forever. “Breathe Mother F*&ker Breathe!”
Wim Hof
"The Iceman" – Cold exposure multi-world records - Scientifically proven revolutionary - Mission to eliminate disease consciously altering body's chemistry
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