This week TNQ Podcast hosts and former Navy SEALs, Marcus Luttrell and guest-host, Clint Bruce, are honored to welcome the remarkable Stacey “Iron Will” Kozel. Since being diagnosed with Lupus at nineteen, which over time left her paralysed with severely diminished lung function, she’s remarkably completed the entire 2,189 miles of the Appalachian Trail. Listen in as Marcus, Clint, and Wizard catch up to her to discuss her greatest Never Quit story while she’s in the middle of her new mission, the 2,650 mile Pacific Crest Trail from Mexico to Canada.
You’re going to be amazed by Stacey’s infectious positivity and joyful nature. Particularly for someone who has battled back, over months and years, from this terrible auto-immune disease which causes the body to attack itself. Then, only to have it return multiple times, each time wiping out all progress and leaving her in a worse condition. You’re going to discover how she credits her tenacious nature developed through sports, the power of humor, and her fascinating perspective on Lupus, for empowering her successful fight to take back control over life and live it to the fullest.
Once again this week, the TNQ Podcast team, along with Stacey Kozel, deliver on their mission to bring you some of the world’s most inspiring and impactful #NeverQuit stories. Please do us, and those around you, a favor by spreading the word and sharing this episode with friends and family.
Great Stories Ignite Legends
Stacey Kozel
“Iron Will” quadriplegic who completed the 2,189 mile Appalachian Trail while battling lupus
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