My big sister Juanita died last month. She suffered from depression and committed suicide. I have dedicated my running to raise awareness for suicide prevention. I have been listening to the TNQ podcasts #8 and #35. The David Goggins podcasts have given me the tools and guidance to enter the ultra marathon runners world. I just turned 51 this month. Three years ago I was fat,lazy and void of energy. I told myself I had to do something about it. I weighed almost 240lbs. I joined a gym and started working out for many hours a day, everyday competing in a weight loss challenge at work. I won the challenges and now I am at 172lb. I listen to David Goggins videos and podcasts while I run daily. It helps me stay focused on never quitting. I went on a crazy run after hearing podcast #8, I took his advice to cut out all the ways out to quit. I drove my Dads car to the Austin South Terminal Airport around 1030pm. Then I started running towards San Marcos about 36 miles away. I had to run in darkness, alone and in an area I wasn’t familiar with. I listened to podcast #8 and #35 for the next 36 miles. This was the farthest I had run up to that point. I completed a corpus christi marathon earlier in the year.
Yesterday I decided to run an unassisted marathon in Mcallen Tx in 102* degree heat. I completed my run in 6 hrs 55 min. The feeling of completion was amazing!! I am training to run in the Habeneros 100 miler on August 18th ,2018. My sister would have been 52 on August 11th.
My goal next year is to run the Badwater 135. I have no excuses to not do it. I am in excellent health. I don’t drink alcohol, no drugs, no medications and no physical limitations. I will run at least 100 miles a week to train. I have been doing sauna training to get acclimated to the heat. I want to personally thank Marcus , David and David for Service. This podcast is awesome!