Mario Romero

Former Navy SEAL - NASA Diver - Aspiring Astronaut

Former Navy SEAL, NASA Diver, and aspiring astronaut Mario Romero is in the studio today. How’s that for an attention grabber. Mario is here to discuss his life journey from barely graduating high school to his Navy SEAL training to his current training on his way to becoming an astronaut and everything in between. His entire life has been one long never quit story. If there’s something to be taken away from Mario’s story and mindset, it’s this message. Don’t let where you come from, or where you are right now, determine where you can go in life. Lift those self-limitations off of yourself and achieve your dreams! In this episode, we talk about…
  • The mad minute
  • Staying true to yourself by dropping your shields
  • Mario’s upbringing of self-limitation
  • Eliminating those parts of your life that do not serve towards your goals
  • Where the motivation truly comes from
  • Encouraging future generations to avoid imposing self-limitations
  • The commonality between successful people
  • Importance of having mentors throughout your life
  • Setting the course to your own life and creating your own meaning
  • Biggest hurdles in the quest to reach outer space
  • Every person is on their own hero journey
  • A fan’s wife’s never quit story

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