I saw a shirt for sale on your web site that said never quit. I know a little something about that. I am a disabled coal miner ,61 years of age. I started working in a 30 inch seam of coal at age 18 years old. Through the years I suffered several injuries including a fractured neck ,a fractured back,and seven different herniated discs to name a few. I am also a cancer survivor having had bladder cancer in 2009. I underwent a 9 hour plus surgery to remove my bladder and prostate,and 18 inches of small intestine to fashion a neo-bladder,which means new bladder. I was off work for about six and a half months and I returned to work in the coal mines. Perhaps a little prematurely. I never wore the uniform of an American Serviceman,but I have always had tremendous respect for those who have and do serve our great country. I too as Marcus have an attitude of never quit. I would never equate my life of suffering with chronic pain and now Black Lung disease with what he and his fellow seals went through in Afghanistan and elsewhere. I simply relate to his suffering in a small way. I too have lost friends in mining accidents ,and I carry them in my heart always.
May God richly bless you and yours daily. I thank you for the honor of writing on your site, and your service to our great Nation.
Clinton Cline