Join Navy SEALs, Marcus Luttrell and David Rutherford, as they welcome former MLB player, and close friend to Marcus, Adam LaRoche to the Team Never Quit Podcast. Listen as Adam tells his greatest Never Quit stories, and get inspired as Adam explains his passion for baseball, family and serving God. His answers will better help you understand what drives a man to walk away from a $14 million dollar contract with the Chicago White Sox to pursue his convictions.
Adam LaRoche will bring new meaning to following your heart as he explains what drives him to succeed. Since leaving baseball, he’s driven across the country in a rented RV, become even more deeply involved with his family, and journeyed to South East Asia to do his part in stopping human trafficking. Additionally, Adam and Marcus dive into their friendship and what loyalty means to them. Prepared to be inspired.
Never forget it’s Marcus and Rut’s mission to inspire you to develop the Never Quit mindset that’s inside you. They bring amazing people on the show to explain their journeys, and how you too can face adversity and overcome obstacles. Don’t forget to listen to the After Actions Report where Adam explains how he applies the Never Quit mindset each day. If you get inspired to share you’re greatest Never Quit story with us, submit it in the Share Your Story section above, we’ll be looking forward to hearing from you.
Great Stories Ignite Legends!
Adam LaRoche
Courage to pursue your convictions- Chicago White Sox player who turned down a $14 million contract to instead go fight human trafficking in South East Asia
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