Aaron Walker

Founder of Iron Sharpens Mastermind & Author of View From the Top

Excellence, Leadership, and Mentorship. Those words exemplify the life of this week’s Team Never Quit guest, Aaron Walker. Aaron and Marcus kick around the adventures of entrepreneurship, a spectacular marriage, and how he applies that which he learns from his experiences – good and bad – to propel him to new heights. After learning tough lessons from a horrific life event, and then being guided by the finest financial and spiritual leaders, Aaron now plays it forward by mentoring others.

In this episode you will hear:

  • I didn’t have anything at 18, and I was able to retire at 27.
  • I played golf every day, I fished every day, and you can’t do that but so much, because you gotta have a purpose.
  • While driving, I watched an older man walk across two lanes, he got to the median, and stopped. As soon as I got to him, he took off running to catch a bus, and I ran over him. It was literally like my life came to a standstill.
  • One day I made the decision: I’ve been chasing money since I was 8 years old. I’m 40 now and I’m retiring – I’m through.
  • Through a series of events, I spent 21 years sponsoring Dave Ramsey’s show, and we became best of friends.
  • The Mastermind radically changed my life.
  • We can’t quit. People need you. You can’t sit on the sidelines. We have to get up because nobody can live your life but you.
  • I had great success financially, but I had no significance.
  • I want my legacy to be that those I come in contact with are different as a result of having interacted with me.
  • I want to leave a legacy of helping, giving, supporting, encouraging, lifting people up and helping them accomplish their dreams and goals.
  • God is always working in the background.
  • The thing that I thought was taking me out was the catalyst for transforming the lives of other people.
  • We all need trusted advisors. Don’t do what I did and have a pocketful of money only to come home to a house full of strangers.
  • You can go faster alone, but you can go much further together.
  • Failure is in not trying, not in not succeeding.
  • Go out there today. Go for it. Never quit.

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